Monday, June 23, 2008

What is Chiropractic?

Do you know what chiropractic is? Well chiropractic is the work of chiropractor, and chiropractor means the person whose job include treating some diseases and physical problem by pressing and moving the bone in a person’s spine or joins. So now do you understand what it mean ready? Most people will ask is this danger to the spine or not? Well my answer is NO. Chiropractic is not a danger but it quite hurt. I am dare enough to say that because I myself have undergo this Chiropractic, and it is quite pain but you will recover just in a few day only. Well the pain is according to the shape of you spine, the more curve on your spine the more pain you suffer. I will be very pain if you got even a slight curve, the Chiropractor will push and press you spine to the original and of course it can’t done in one day, it require more therapy if you wish to get a straight spine back. Like my sis, she got a 17 º to the left and it now become slightly straight then before, it take 9 time of treatment to get the bone back to it position. Well the master told me that most of the patient he got is with the abnormal position of their spine that is in S size and he say factor of having S size bone is from the school bag, because now a day children have to bring more then 2 to 3 kg of bag to school and is primary not secondary, and some is from leaking of calcium in their bone. This master does not have a clinic and he is travel around the Malaysia, so is quite hard to find him. Talk about my sis, if I didn’t got this treatment, I am sure my mom will sent her to surgery because all the doctor say must go for surgery, thank goodness I found him. The treatment is less then RM 100 per treatment and this price is affordable from a small family. Well I got a video clip on the way the Chiropractor doing the treatment. Why don’t you have a look on it, that is my bro, he got a slight curve and no harm for him. Well if you wish to find one you may left your email inside the comment box, and I will tell you where you can find him. I encourage that if you have such kind of problem, don’t go to surgery, and try this Chiropractic, this is because this treatment is cheaper that surgery and surgery have it side effect that less doctor will told you about this. So think before you decide.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Miracles Fish

Well, do you believe that they are miracles fish exist in our world? Yes it is exist, and it even can be catch at the drain too. Do you get what I mean now? This fish have different name the Malay call it as Ikan puyu, Puyu-puyu, Pepuyu, Betuk or Ikan longkang. While in Chinese they call 刺鱸、過山鯽、避邪魚、草攀鱸 or you can searh it information in Chinese words at here. And English is called as Climbing perch or Walking perch. While it scientific name is Anabas Testudineus. You may found this name look very peculiar, is it can climb or walking? Yes, I have try it by just putting it on a ground that without of water, it can still survive for a few hour. That why there call this fish as Climbing perch or Walking perch. Many people believe that this fish have many ability to protect his owner. As what I heard, If you put it at your car porch, it can protect you house from been broken in, but how it help? Well as I heard the elderly say this fish will cough if it saw unfamiliar people try to get into your house. Wow you see, is this better then a dog? But whether is true or not, I am not so sure. As you can see many supermarkets or mini market feed this fish at the counter, do you know why? Allow me to tell you, this fish can prevent the owner or people near him from been hypnosis and then steal the money at the counter. Beside that, it also says that it can block the curse that try to lie on the owner. If you are running a business like supermarket or mini market, why don’t try to feed one, who knows it really can help you. Well this fish is very cheap, and I got 7 in my aquarium at the car pouch. You even can catch it at the drain but tell you first, it can swim very fast and it body have spike on it spine and you will hurt your hand. To make it easy got and buy it at Satok Sunday Market, they sold this in 3 sizes that is large, middle and small and the price is RM 5, RM 3 and RM 1, very cheap right? Well you can get even cheaper at Market Balai Ringin which it very far from Kuching, I bought 5 fish at there with only RM 5 only and all is in large size. We still no so sure whether this fish really got all this ability or not but just try it who knows that true. So go and get one.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

English it is useful!

In Malaysia, English is considering as second language by most for the citizen and the main language is Malay language. It this mean English is not important? Or didn’t learn also never mind? Defiantly wrong! English is an international language which means that whenever you go any where there sure will be some one knows the language and this will make communication easily, even in India or China as well. Unlike the Malay language is only can be use in Malaysia, Brunei, Burma, Indonesia and Thailand only, but that doesn’t mean Malay language is not important, yes it still important but not as English. Do you think so? Well there is a good advertisement show by New Straits Time which had just show recently on air. It is about a group of student jerk but it friend who is reading an English newspaper and say “why read English newspaper, as Malay you should read Malay newspaper”, and then come English lady and as those student on how to go to the National Monument and not even one of them understand what she say, then this been jerk student raise up it hand and help the lady. Then he tell to this friends say read NST, it can help you English. Did you get what this advertisement mean? It is important to know English language. Beside that when you go interview, there will also ask “do you know how to speak English? This had showed that English is important. Well English is quite hard to study, that right; but if you get the right way to learn it, it should be no problem at all. Well allow me to tell you why I think English is so much important. It is good you speak English to Government Servant and you will be treating very well because most of them can’t speak English well. I ever did that and it really true, if you don’t believe me go and try it. This method is been thought by one of my friends name Kevin Davidson Dé Joseph Jee Chee Liong, he is the one who taught me a lot in English. He often use such kind of method and he always been treating well and even some thought he is come from western but he is a Malaysian only. Don’t feel happy when you heard this? So you see, English is so much important, so don’t give up on English. Good Luck!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bigfoot found it Sibu?

Did you read newspapers reported that there is a Bigfoot'sfoot print in Sibu? Wow that really terrible, but no one ever see it in front on it! Is this true or it just a superstition? Only certain people claim that they had saw a gigantic shadow or the tree is vibrating very strong, but that can’t prove that is Bigfoot did it. Last three year a Bigfoot’s foot print was found at peninsular Malaysia – Johor, and now it was found in Sarawak! That mean there is some family of Bigfoot in Sarawak, there is no one can answer where this Bigfoot come from? It sound very superstition and it just like a joke to fool around those sucker about the Bigfoot. There is no evident prove the foot print is belong to the Bigfoot, furthermore it is easy to create a big footprint on the ground. This kind of new can make the villager live near the footprint fear about the Bigfoot will come attack the village again thus make them suffering insomnia but some may happy if there can found one. Actually we can’t do anything because we don’t know whether that the Bigfoot is really assist or not and no one can answer this question yet but I believe this mythic can be solve soon in the future.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Doctor has killing license?

Do you believe that doctor have killing license? Yes it is, a doctor can do anything toward it patient include killing, because when the patient is push into the surgery room, no one will know what the doctor is doing toward the patient except the nurse and doctor inside there only. When a patient is agree with the surgery done by a doctor, the doctor can do anything even kill him, because when you in paralysis state you will don’t know what is the doctor doing even the doctor is harassing you, and the doctor can say that is the side effect of the medicine and no one will know what actually happen inside there. If the doctor is been threaten by someone that force the doctor to kill his patient, they can easy kill them in the surgery room, when they have done killing the patient they can easily say I am sorry we already try our best or in Chinese 对不起,我们已经尽了力。 That is the dialog always use by a doctor, don’t you agree with me? Well, some even worst, the doctor say you have got some chronic asthmatic and need immediate surgery, and then help you to make the preparation to the surgery without your knowledge and it those patient don’t anything just follow the doctor, the patient sure is doomed. Do you think that is a good doctor? A good doctor is willing to tell you what is the side effect of the medicine that the patient takes and explain every thing in a simple word so most of the patient know what it mean. So next time be alert when visiting to hospital.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What wrong with playing game?

I dare to say lots of parents don’t really like his or her child facing game all over the time, include my parent too. Well as I ever mention is my first blog that is I am a New Blogger ! on 28 May 2008, that I am the one who learn from Nintendo’s game. Well there is a lot of type of game that should let their child play such as the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii is a game that build to against the old fashion view of playing game. Nintendo Wii is a game that using your physical to control the game and in the meantime it help you to exercise your body while you are playing the game. That is good for health, don’t you agree with me? Will I found a new in the new paper, reported there is Japan’s Wada School offer their student using Nintendo DS Lite’s to study their lesson for 90 minute class. Do you see, Japan’s school already using game player to teaching, and why parent still disagree with game. I am sure everyone knows the Para Para Sakura’s Movie, and now it become a dancing game, do you think that is not good for child? Well game has my kind, there is some with violent action and even some have sex action, well as long as the parent know what kind of game their child play. So I wish parent should change the way of their view on game.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wow a Firefly!

Yesterday night, I saw a yellow light is flashing near my mosquito net, and I found the yellow light is firefly. Wow this is the first time I saw a firefly right in my eye, most o the time I saw it flying around and today I see it in front of me! I quickly take my camera and snap it unfortunately is too dark and the entire photo I snap is dark and the yellow light is not so nice.

This morning, I go to Wikipedia and search the information about firefly, and I found that firefly is the family in the beetle and it scientific name is Disambiguation . I is hard to see firefly flying around at my home, but how this firefly fly into my room since my mosquito net is closed and my door too, but never mind I will welcome it back again.

Well firefly have a short life span so I open out the mosquito net and let it out, at last It flew out, I so happy to see it. Do you ever heard the old folk say, don’t point at the firefly else you well suffer nocturnal enuresis. Do you still believe it? Well I think there is some hidden meaning in it, I think it might meant that do not hurt the firefly, because children always feel strange about something that is new for them and they well sure catch it. I think most properly like this.

So next time don’t catch it else, you mom will sure teach you a lesson on cleaning your own bed.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


money Money is a valuable commodity used in trading in centuries ago. Money comes in two forms, either is note or coin. It is something undeniable to have no money will cause someone in crisis. In my opinion, money is somewhat important. We need money for our daily expense such as going to the canteen for food and to purchase stationary goods and bus fare. Instate of spending around, money play an important role in our life too. It shows my status in the society, am I right? Conversely, money can only promise a short period of happiness, because some other abstract thing such as feeling of love friend and relationship are something that can be bought. They need you to sense them with you internal soul but not money. In order to get money, the first thing I will consider about is doing legal work rather than illegal. We won’t betray my self or ruin my own tuatara buy doing illegal business just because of money. We should prefer to sacrifice myself for money by doing part-time job before and after schooling period. I might have made some interesting craft sand sell them to the gift shop such a little effort will be quite productive and benefit me a lot and it make my dream come true. In conclusion, although money is important to me, but we should have to access this valuable commodity in a beneficial way so to aroid it from being the root of evil.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Why I Am So Bad Luck!

sematan On 03/06/2008, I went to Sematan and Lundu which is not far from the Cat City, at there is popular for their fish market and beach. Well that is the first time I went to Sematan. Unfortunately there is drizzle rain fall right at the time I at the Sematan Beach, but I still manage to see the beauty of the beach. The sea water is really as clean as crystal. sematan beach I just drop there just for half an hour only, then I went to Lundu’s Pandan Beach, which is another beautiful beach too. On the way to the beach, I found that the sky turn darker and darker, and I start to worry the heavy rain will come soon. Well, as I arrive at the Pandan Beach, the weather conditions is still dark, I just don’t care it and walk forward to beach. The time I almost near the beach the heavy rain come, a lot of people rust out from the beach and I am the only one who rushes into the each area. The rain is very heavy, so I had to found so place to wait until the rain turn drizzle, and I found that there is a lot of club having picnic at here too, there are same as me can’t go to beach, it poured for almost half and hour ready. So I decide not going beach anymore, at that time, there is some members of the club take out a big plastic that there use for picnic to form a big umbrella. So that they can cover a group of their mate back to their bas. On the way to the bas, there is a lot of people asking permission to join them under the big umbrella that they make, they are really kind, they even bring a lot of people back to their car, how kind there are! Photobucket I was really sad that unable to see the scenery of the Pandan Beach, but never mind I will be back!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Effects of Smoking

smoking People nowadays are facing too much stress. They try to find many to handle stress. Then cigarette is invented to do so. Cigarette is a thin tube of paper filled with finely cut tobacco that people smoke. Cigarette contains tobacco leaves, tar, & carbon monoxide, & nicotine, carcinogens, acidic gaseous & uncounted addict ire substances. It has become something fund by people including teenagers. As aforementioned, smoking could lessen stress. Some products in cigarette can lead someone into fantasy state. Consequently, it helps state. Consequently, it helps.Smoking could activate the numb system is, body as a result a person who injury, he or she many not feel pain. The feeling of numb is caused by body reaction towards nicotine. Thus smoking is known temporary “treat painkiller” for body pain. Smoking could boot up one’s performance. The nicotine makes one feels more energetic. People could perform better if they are energetic. Smoking also triggers some side – effects. It could be either in directly or indirectly affecting to our health or environment. The contains of cigarette is potentially harm our organ system in our body. Nicotine could damage our nervous system by killing our brain cells. We would face difficulties in studies, remembering thing well. Tobacco and tar will cause overproduce of muscle in our lungs. lung cancer The tobacco and tar would stimulate the bronchi & causing swollen wall of the of the bronchi. Thus, a heavy smoker often has the trebles in breathing. Tobacco and tar also help in to promote the growth. The acidic gaseous can corrode the lungs & gradually, we would not be able to breath. The heat of smoking would destroy the alveoli by expanding in an abnormal manner until burst. This situation is called emphysema. The smoke from the cigarette will cause air pollution & the increase in temperature around us. The smoke particles would mix with the dust in the air to form haze. If we inhale too much, we could get asthma. The increase in temperature could cause global warming & green effect. Global warming & green house effect could make the ozone layer thinner. The ultra –violet ray would easily penetrate through the ozone layer & we might get cancer. Smokers have yellowish teeth & nail. This will disrepute one’s image. They might have the trouble to get well friend with around to the bodily a dour smell. We might feel uncomfortable after we smoke for sometimes our body would get weaker & weaker. We would suffer from persistent coughing and other diseases like emphysema, asthma, & bronchitis. The smoke could affect the fetus if a pregnant woman. Smoke that inhale is known as second-hand smoke. The fetus would experience abnormal growth in the mother’s womb. The carcinogen in the cigarette could cause addiction to the smoker. This would make the smoker start wasting money to buy cigarettes. A heavy smoker would spend even more on cigarette. The bad effects of smoking seem out most of the good effects. It is advised that people should find better ways to lessen their stress rather than smoking such as playing, cycling & just do what ever you like except to free your mind. In nutshell, there is always other choice to lessen stress, pain & be more energetic apart from smoking. Smoking does no good to us but leading us the road of death.

Sichuan Don’t Give Up

Photobucket 12.5.2008, at 2.28pm Sichuan was happen a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, and wipe out all the building in Sichuan, and burying a lot of citizen below the building. The worst still is at that period is the schooling hour and most of the children are study in school, and a lot of children were stuck in side the building and some even buried in the building and death. I really sympathy on them, some of them have lost their part of body and some lost there love one too. It was really sad to heard, but they have a very strong sprit of determination that is keep on survive no matter what happen to them, that is the sprit that we have to learn from them. From their appearance, we can see that they really need our help, I dare to say, the children in Sichuan have a very strong on adjusting the way of their life. They can study even the place where there study is not comfortable, this is a very good example that we should learn from them. Photobucket From their appearance, we can see that they really need our help, can we help them? Yes we can, we can donate some money to them at the or you may go to some shopping mall, they do have help to collect fund to them. Let together help them build back their home.

The Earth is Sick

Photobucket The earth is sick? Why the earth sick? That is all coursed by human being! Do you agree with me? Yes, it is human make the earth sick, because the daily activity that we did is causing the earth sick. For instance, thee car that we drove every day is releasing Carbon Monoxide (CO) that make the o-zone layer become ticker and ticker. Beside car, the refrigerator also can make the earth sick, from the gas that it release that is chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), it is a gas that containing carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, some forms of which damage the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere. Photobucket Can we help earth? Yes we can, all we have to do is less doing open burning, use bicycle instate of car I possible or even better walking. We can save earth from been sick, let be the doctor of the earth, stop the pollution. I sure we all can did it, believe me!