Friday, May 30, 2008

How funny their English is.

Last time, I work as a part timer at the Sarawak second largest shopping mall, guess most of the Sarawakian might know which one is it. There is a lot of tourist shopping at there, and as the mall is very big, some children might lost there parents if there walk alone. There is once, I heard the announcement reporting of whom losing his or her son or daughter. It sound like this, Attention to XXX, please collect your daughter YYY at the information centre, thank you. Have you catch up the mistake? I really feel shame when I heard that, why such a big shopping mall hire an announcer that speak broken English? There shouldn’t use the words ‘collect’, they should use fetch instate of collect. It sound like the parent is abandon their children like rubbish which need to be collect. Don’t know whether that parent angry when listen to the announcement, if that was me, I will defiantly complain them. This shouldn’t happen in an big and famous shopping mall.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sichuan Need Our Help! 四川需要我们的帮忙!

On 12 May 2008, Sichuan happen a 7.9 magnitude earthquake than cause thousand of people death and some are lost. All the building collapse and student stuck inside the school when the earthquake comes and course lot student was lot it part of body. Don’t you think we should help them? To rebuilding the Sichuan need to take around 3 years not 3 months. I really took pity on the earthquake victim. Some of them lose there parents and some even lost their part of body. How can we help them? well we can donate some money to them or even some our old cloth that we can’t wear it anymore. There are thousand o victim survived and they all need food and drink to survive and even a shelter too. I hope every one of us help the Sichuan earthquake victim, they really need our help. Please help Sichuan. 救救四川吧!

After SPM Where Should I Go??

After eleven to twelve year study at school, do you want to future your study again? What course should I take? Can I afford the course? Is it expensive? Or should I just future Form 6 or University? That is the most question asked by the SPM and STPM holder will ask. Well I myself also have such kind of problem too. It is really kind of hard to choose the subject that you like to future on but which course suitable for me and is my result qualified with the course? That is the biggest problem. Even thought you like this XXX course very much but your result is not qualified with the course you like. You still can’t get the course that you like. Even thought your result is good and can be accepted by the course, but that does not means that the school or college will give you the course that you want. That is the problem again. I admit that I suffer the entire problem and I have solved it one by one. Well, sincerely I more like on ICT more than other, but IT is not my course for my future study. I go on the course that I like but not as like as ICT that is Mechanical Engineering. Truly, now a day, there is a lot of student like to future study on ICT, but at last they end up at home, doing nothing because there is no vacancy on ICT because a big company only require 5 to 10 people to fix there computer and there is no need to many people doing the same thing. Can you imaging that there is thousand of ICT student waiting or this 10 people job! So I strongly advice that forget about ICT, that is my opinion only, the decision is yours. You should go to counseling, so ask any question during the counseling, so that you can get the answer to solve your problem that keeps in your mind. The most important is NEVER NEVER follow your friends to his or her course that they like. You shouldn’t keep relay on your friends; you should have your own view and your vision. Don’t just keep follow your friends. Well yes, we did need friends, a friend is need is a friend indeed. That is the true but listen to me don’t follow.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I am a New Blogger !

Hey everybody, I am a brand new blogger in the blogger world. In my blog I ill put out all my opinion on something that I see, I heard and I did. Beside that I wil offer some useful information about something that can help the reader to learn something new from me. Well, I would like to make this blog is to fullfill my free time that I had after geting my SPM Result the one of Malaysia's test. I would like to apologize if there is some mistake on spelling,typing ar language. Well no one is perfect in the world right? Now talk about myself, i am a young boy that only 18 years old. I live in Malaysia, Truely Asia. At the state o Sarawak the Land of Hornbill in the city of Kuching the Cat City. Will actually now I am looking for colledge to future my study but.... just forget iit. I got a poor result but never mind live still have to go right? I more like to surfing internet and playing computer game instate of reading book. Well who say playing game is wrong? Did you know that I am the one who learn English Word from playing game! The game that i play is Pokemon Game, if i not mistaken the first vision I play is Blue Vision. I learn the word like Confusions,Paralysis,faint and lot more that you found out in the game. Very first time i don't know what it means and i just simply click on it and then I found that the Confusions mean the Pokemon have Confuse and unable to fight well. After playing, you well know what those words mean. Thank a lot Ninetendo you help me a lot and provive such a good game. Anyway, we have to study to survive in this cruel worldso just you should know how to manage your time. I hope all the reader enjoy my Bolg and please left your comment to me so that i can impove my way of writing. Thank you for visiting my Bolg. Thank you.