Friday, May 30, 2008

How funny their English is.

Last time, I work as a part timer at the Sarawak second largest shopping mall, guess most of the Sarawakian might know which one is it. There is a lot of tourist shopping at there, and as the mall is very big, some children might lost there parents if there walk alone. There is once, I heard the announcement reporting of whom losing his or her son or daughter. It sound like this, Attention to XXX, please collect your daughter YYY at the information centre, thank you. Have you catch up the mistake? I really feel shame when I heard that, why such a big shopping mall hire an announcer that speak broken English? There shouldn’t use the words ‘collect’, they should use fetch instate of collect. It sound like the parent is abandon their children like rubbish which need to be collect. Don’t know whether that parent angry when listen to the announcement, if that was me, I will defiantly complain them. This shouldn’t happen in an big and famous shopping mall.

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