Sunday, July 27, 2008

Learn Chinese Word in Movie

Do you want to learn Chinese words? The best way is watch Chinese drama series, that what I always heard my Malay friends say. Well recently there is an animation movie that you can learn some Chinese word in it, beside Chinese word you even can found out some interest phrase. Let me tell you what Chinese words you can learn from this animation named Kung Fu Panda. In this movie you may found they say Kung Fu and Shifu and so on. Kungfu itself is a Chinese word of Gong Fu (功夫) that we always heard. The second one is Shifu. Its Chinese version is Shi Fu (师父). It was consisted by two parts. The first one is Shi(师), means teacher. The second is Fu (父), means father. In the time when students lived in Shifu's house starting from a very young age, Shifu really means both teacher and father, just like what the Kungfu Panda depicted. Sometime the bond between the Shifu and students can be stronger than those between father and son. There is another word (师傅) in China used quite often today with the same pronunciation. However, it's used to refer anyone who can do something for you, somewhat more like sir or madam in English The next one is Oogway. Oogway, or Wu Gui, is indeed the original pronunciation of tortoise (乌龟) in Chinese. In ancient China, tortoise often means longevity. However, in more recent time, slow and dumb is often being emphasized on the animal. Maybe the movie will help to revive the reputation of it, to prove that tortoise is not an useless animals. There is one more new Chinese word used in the film. It's Wushi finger. Wushi, or Wu Shi (巫师), means wizard in Chinese. However, in China, they don’t really call it Wushi Finger. The most widely used name is Yiyang Finger (一阳指), or if translate directly, One (一) Sun (阳) finger (指). It is claimed to be the top kungfu skill in Wudang. BTW, Wudang is the martial art developed by the believers of Taoism (that's why you can see a Taichi symbol raised out from the peace lake in Kungfu Panda), and Shaolin can be considered to represent the kungfu developed by Buddhist students. One more word is the name of Tailung, the evil leopard in the movie. But I am not sure what it means but if translate directly is Tai (太)means big, then Lung (龙) means dragon. I guess they just what to make this character is strong and fierce by using this name. Well in the part of phase, we may try in our writhing for example :
  • Yesterday is history, tomorrow is the mystery, but today is a gift that is why it called present
  • There is just new, there is no good or bad
  • There is no accident
  • My time have come, you must continue your journey without me

Those actually we can use in our story writing, this phase can make your writhing become interesting. So do watch more Chinese movie if you want to learn more Chinese words.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poor Seals

Poor seals… every year there is a lot of seal been killed in order to get it treasure. Don’t you think this is so cruel?Almost every year, there are thousand of seals been killed, and most it is the male adult’s seals but some even kill the baby of the seals, don’t you think they are crazy. Well most of the hunters hunting of seals for their pelts, blubber, and meat, but some have their penises brutally removed to export to countries such as Japan where they are used as aphrodisiacs.
Don’t you think this is good? If these problems still keep going on, the population of the seals may drop and even seals can become almost extinct animals like Sumatra Rhinoceros, don’t you hope you grandchild have no change to see the seals again just like the Tasmanian Tiger extinct on 1936 in Tasmania?, that we only can see it on book or an black and white video clip only? I don’t wish that happen to me. Well that really cruel, the hunter is killing thousand of seals, not few, is thousand. Thousand of seals dead like this, the blood cover all over the ice and the sea. It seems turn into a red ice cube and the corpse lying over the ice. I hope if all of us did’t buy the product that make of seals skin, I pretty sure that there will be less hunter hunt the seals because there is less people want it. I really hope this activities will stop soon as make it as an illegal activities so they can stop killing seals. I hope that happen.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Forever Friend

A Forever Friend
A friend walks in when the rest of the world walk out. Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convince you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship, when you are down, and the world seem dark and empty. Your forever friend lifts you up in sprits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you though the hard times, the sad time, and the confused time. If you turn and walk away, your friend will follow, If you lose you way, your friend guide you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete, Because you need not worry, You have a forever friend for life.
(source: Sin Chew Jit Bow)
Well friends is very important in our life, some friend may try to take advantages on you and some will help you when you in the trouble. In the nut shell make sure you get the good friends in state of bad friend. So be careful.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3G coverage

The 3G coverage has been landed in Sarawak but only some place has the 3G coverage. Well what is 3G? 3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology, superseding 2G, and preceding 4G. It is based on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) family of standards under the International Mobile Telecommunications programmed, IMT-2000. Well most of us only know 3G is a coverage that can make you sent or receive the video call from your friends but there is still some more function besides making video call though 3G mobile phone. Unfortunately there only 2 operators is running this 3G coverage only in Malaysia, and now there is lot of type of mobile phone start to sell 3G mobile to fulfill the consumer need. There is only those 3G mobile phone can receive the 3G coverage signals, but if your mobile phone doesn’t have the 3G function you well not able to receive the video call sent by the 3G user, so it means that if you sent the video call to the receiver that doest have 3G, it means you have wasted money for nothing. Furthermore not everyone can afford a 3G mobile, because a set of 3G mobile is very expensive. If I not mistake, the cheapest should be around RM 500.00 above and the most expensive should be around RM 2000.00. It is not necessary to have one if you don’t often use video recording. Well besides making video call, the 3G coverage also can be a online server for surfing internet. In order to have it, you had to have a wireless modem that can receive the 3G signal or other signal, so that you can online. Well I myself is using USB Modem, which can also receive 3G coverage, unfortunately my area doest not cover by the 3G coverage and only have GPRS signal. The speed for a GPRS is only 3.6 kbps which similar to narrow band or we call dial up 1515 but the speed is constant even tough it is slow, unlike 1515 is may down or lost connect sometime but GPRS not like it, while the 3G can support up to 3.7 Mbps which means 3 time faster than Streamyx, and you can bring it to anyway you want to go. Well, the bad thing is, Malaysia has fully covered with 3G yet, but maybe soon, else it is very useful for every one, but there is one latest program named WIMAX say at 2010 all Malaysia is cover with wireless network, but still not sure yet, all we can do is wait and see.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Life at college

Life at college is very different then life at school, you will defiantly surprise when you study in college. Life at secondary school is seem like a jail, you are not allow to did this and that, and a lot of unnecessary rule to be in the school but different in college, there is some rule that blocked by secondary school is now allowed in college. Well some people will like it and there will be some dislike the new rule. In college you may found a lot of interesting thing and some disgusting thing. As I can see, you will defiantly saw there is some she male, wow that really disgusting, he jumping around like a female, I really not dare to look at them, yuck! But the tomboy I never see one. Beside that you will found something weird that is the lecture teaching period is not fix, it can be half hour or an hour, I guess is my one college only, still not sure about this. The lecture can teach only for half an hour then he lost it self in the class. I you are the first time to experience this don’t be surprise, the lecture is not angry with you but is the time up, so don’t you go and boom the lecture, else the lecture will boom you back. Will not only that, the first time you go to the college, you will really hard to find the classroom, there is a lot of classroom and lab in the college, is really hard to search one of it, the best way is ask the senior there, but not all the senior know it so the best way is ask the staff at there or the lecture. Not only that, you may also found that some lecture look like a student, I mean he or she doesn’t look like a lecture, and you may try to fool him, so next time don’t try to fool anyone at college because you don’t know how is he or her. But that is still ok. The main thing is I can learn without textbook. That is the biggest problem I had. How to do? All had to think it by myself. Although the life in college is complicated, we had to go on, this may only take 3 to 5 year only and be enjoyed at there, what to do, life still need to go.