Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poor Seals

Poor seals… every year there is a lot of seal been killed in order to get it treasure. Don’t you think this is so cruel?Almost every year, there are thousand of seals been killed, and most it is the male adult’s seals but some even kill the baby of the seals, don’t you think they are crazy. Well most of the hunters hunting of seals for their pelts, blubber, and meat, but some have their penises brutally removed to export to countries such as Japan where they are used as aphrodisiacs.
Don’t you think this is good? If these problems still keep going on, the population of the seals may drop and even seals can become almost extinct animals like Sumatra Rhinoceros, don’t you hope you grandchild have no change to see the seals again just like the Tasmanian Tiger extinct on 1936 in Tasmania?, that we only can see it on book or an black and white video clip only? I don’t wish that happen to me. Well that really cruel, the hunter is killing thousand of seals, not few, is thousand. Thousand of seals dead like this, the blood cover all over the ice and the sea. It seems turn into a red ice cube and the corpse lying over the ice. I hope if all of us did’t buy the product that make of seals skin, I pretty sure that there will be less hunter hunt the seals because there is less people want it. I really hope this activities will stop soon as make it as an illegal activities so they can stop killing seals. I hope that happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hate those who kill them...hate it!!!
they are jerk!!!