Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The School Traffic

I am pretty sure there are less people who know there are co curriculums named Unit Traffic. This co curriculum is not popular in Sarawak but not in peninsular Malaysia. This co curriculum only available in my school but unluckily last week I back to my school and I was been told that this co curriculum is closed starting next year, I was really sad to heard this and previously there are a school also closed this co curriculum, and now it mean in Sarawak there are no more Unit traffic any more. The current Sergeant told me that there are no more people in charge this co curriculum in the Department of co curriculum so the principle advise to close this co curriculum. I was really sad because I follow this co curriculum for 5 years and now it going to be closed. There are many sweet memories with the Unit Traffic. I still remember that on 2005, I was follow my team to Pusat Latihan Polis Sarawak (PULAPOL), we was been brought to see how the police is been train and their way of training, it was really terrible, they bring us to see on of the most danger training, that is the police will crawl under a sharp fence and the top of the fence was the official shutting the gun, the objective of this training is not only train them how to crawl but train them not fear listen to the sound of gun, it was really danger, we was been brought to a taller place to see, it was really noisily at there. Beside that on 2006 our school was hold the marathon and our team was been called to manage the traffic to let the runner crossing the road, I was never been taught on how to manage the traffic and my teammate say just do what we know only so I stand on the middle of the road and blow my whistle and hand up to give a stop signal and the car really stop in front of me. I was really surprise to see that. On last year that is 2007, I was been asked to train the junior on marching, I was so proud to teach them even thought it just a few day I don’t mind about this, it kind of fun. There are really lot of sweet memories with Unit Traffic, hope other school will have one too.

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