Monday, June 16, 2008

Bigfoot found it Sibu?

Did you read newspapers reported that there is a Bigfoot'sfoot print in Sibu? Wow that really terrible, but no one ever see it in front on it! Is this true or it just a superstition? Only certain people claim that they had saw a gigantic shadow or the tree is vibrating very strong, but that can’t prove that is Bigfoot did it. Last three year a Bigfoot’s foot print was found at peninsular Malaysia – Johor, and now it was found in Sarawak! That mean there is some family of Bigfoot in Sarawak, there is no one can answer where this Bigfoot come from? It sound very superstition and it just like a joke to fool around those sucker about the Bigfoot. There is no evident prove the foot print is belong to the Bigfoot, furthermore it is easy to create a big footprint on the ground. This kind of new can make the villager live near the footprint fear about the Bigfoot will come attack the village again thus make them suffering insomnia but some may happy if there can found one. Actually we can’t do anything because we don’t know whether that the Bigfoot is really assist or not and no one can answer this question yet but I believe this mythic can be solve soon in the future.

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