Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Doctor has killing license?

Do you believe that doctor have killing license? Yes it is, a doctor can do anything toward it patient include killing, because when the patient is push into the surgery room, no one will know what the doctor is doing toward the patient except the nurse and doctor inside there only. When a patient is agree with the surgery done by a doctor, the doctor can do anything even kill him, because when you in paralysis state you will don’t know what is the doctor doing even the doctor is harassing you, and the doctor can say that is the side effect of the medicine and no one will know what actually happen inside there. If the doctor is been threaten by someone that force the doctor to kill his patient, they can easy kill them in the surgery room, when they have done killing the patient they can easily say I am sorry we already try our best or in Chinese 对不起,我们已经尽了力。 That is the dialog always use by a doctor, don’t you agree with me? Well, some even worst, the doctor say you have got some chronic asthmatic and need immediate surgery, and then help you to make the preparation to the surgery without your knowledge and it those patient don’t anything just follow the doctor, the patient sure is doomed. Do you think that is a good doctor? A good doctor is willing to tell you what is the side effect of the medicine that the patient takes and explain every thing in a simple word so most of the patient know what it mean. So next time be alert when visiting to hospital.

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