Monday, June 23, 2008

What is Chiropractic?

Do you know what chiropractic is? Well chiropractic is the work of chiropractor, and chiropractor means the person whose job include treating some diseases and physical problem by pressing and moving the bone in a person’s spine or joins. So now do you understand what it mean ready? Most people will ask is this danger to the spine or not? Well my answer is NO. Chiropractic is not a danger but it quite hurt. I am dare enough to say that because I myself have undergo this Chiropractic, and it is quite pain but you will recover just in a few day only. Well the pain is according to the shape of you spine, the more curve on your spine the more pain you suffer. I will be very pain if you got even a slight curve, the Chiropractor will push and press you spine to the original and of course it can’t done in one day, it require more therapy if you wish to get a straight spine back. Like my sis, she got a 17 º to the left and it now become slightly straight then before, it take 9 time of treatment to get the bone back to it position. Well the master told me that most of the patient he got is with the abnormal position of their spine that is in S size and he say factor of having S size bone is from the school bag, because now a day children have to bring more then 2 to 3 kg of bag to school and is primary not secondary, and some is from leaking of calcium in their bone. This master does not have a clinic and he is travel around the Malaysia, so is quite hard to find him. Talk about my sis, if I didn’t got this treatment, I am sure my mom will sent her to surgery because all the doctor say must go for surgery, thank goodness I found him. The treatment is less then RM 100 per treatment and this price is affordable from a small family. Well I got a video clip on the way the Chiropractor doing the treatment. Why don’t you have a look on it, that is my bro, he got a slight curve and no harm for him. Well if you wish to find one you may left your email inside the comment box, and I will tell you where you can find him. I encourage that if you have such kind of problem, don’t go to surgery, and try this Chiropractic, this is because this treatment is cheaper that surgery and surgery have it side effect that less doctor will told you about this. So think before you decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be aware of the 'chiropractors' out there that have no formal qualification.

Judging from your photo you took, this is probably not a qualified or recognised chiropractor, since no Chiropractor of good standing would have a cheap matress like the one in the picture and would not examine a patient in such a manner.

Where is the 'chiropractor' practising?